2023-06-29 09:54:42
1、如果你的意思的lihu受伤了导致大家都跟着忙活那应该是下面的“A basketball competition between calss 7 and our class was held in yesterday afteroon, during which Lihu got injured in the playground and every one started to move. ” 如果你的意思是由于队员的移动导致的lihu的受伤那应该是下面的“ A basketball competition between calss 7 and our class was held in yesterday afteroon, during which Lihu got injured when members were moving around in the playground.” 如果你的意思是lihu的受伤导致大家都为之感动那应该是下面的“A basketball competition between calss 7 and our class was held in yesterday afteroon, during which Lihu got injured in the playground and every one moved.”。